Hi Everyone,
This week we had our 4D scan so I fought Id make a separate post about it and show you some of the pictures!
Initially I wasn't bothered at all wether or not I had a 4D scan done but after seeing my best friend Becky's DVD I had to find out more ! We went with BabyBrite Clinic in Stockton-on-Tees just 25 minutes or so away from us. They seemed to be the cheapest around and also that's where Becky went for hers so I already had good reviews on them!
We decided to invite my Mam, Dad and Sister along with us seen as though they offered to pay for the whole thing which was very kind of them!!
It was £90 for the package we chose (there was other packages to choose from we just chose the one I thought we would benefit from) and in that we had about half an hour in the scan room and the lady doing the scan was very thorough and talked us through everything we could see. We also got to choose 4 scan pictures at the end (this was out of 156!!!!) but I did pay and extra £1.50 for another that I really liked of him hugging his foot! We also opted to buy the DVD of the scan so we could watch it again and again at home and show other people, this was only £10. Thinking about it now though If I was to go and get it done again I would of paid for the USB stick as well because as you people with Macbook pros will know they don't come with disk drives!!! so it would of been easier on a USB to put it onto my laptop!
I can't quite explain the feeling you get when you see the images on the TV screen, its like "that's my little baby" and the pictures were so clear! it was unbelievable!!
The lady also confirmed he is defiantly a boy lol she checked twice to be double sure , in fact at one point she said he had his hands on his 'private parts' and he was smiling!!!! That's little boys for ya!!! lol
If you are considering getting a 4D scan done I would say go for it! Your only going to have that baby in you once and getting a sneak peak of what he/she looks like before they are even here is soooo exciting !!! get out yours and your partners baby pictures after and try and decide who he/she looks like the most !!
Well here's the pictures, sorry there not brilliant quality because they are pictures of pictures !
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