What I'm Taking In Mine/Mason's Hand Luggage!

Hi Everyone!!

So we are off on our first family holiday next week and I have just been putting together a packing list to help me out when it comes to the dreaded packing day!!! Its all so different since the last time I packed a case! there is so much stuff you need for a baby!
Anyway I know for a fact there will be some people that don't agree with everything that I'm taking but I'm working on the 'best have too much then too less' rule, as I always do lol 
So I thought I would share my hand luggage packing list with you all (my hand luggage being Masons nappy bag!) and If there is anything else you think I need that I have missed off please let me know in the comments.

My (Masons) Hand Luggage Packing List

2 x sterile bottles
2 x dummy's
2 x ready made Aptamil milks
1 x beaker for juice (I will get this once through security)
3 x plastic back bibs
2 x dribble bibs
a few disposable bibs
Nappy Bag (wipes,travel sudacrem, 6 nappies, nappy bags)
1 x outfit change (in case of any accidents! we have a very early morning flight so I will just be taking Mason to the airport in his pj's and may even just leave them on him on the plane)
2 x spare vests
Sons of Anarchy Romper from Max and the Star (to change him into once we are there)
Some Snacks (rice cakes, biscuits ect)
2 x NEW toys 
Carrier bag (for wet or soiled clothes lol)
Changing Mat (one that comes with the nappy bag)
Lightweight Blanket for plane
Masons Blanky
3 x Calpol sachets
My sunglasses 
Glasses case

My husband will be carrying all our passports, holiday documents ect, phone charger, camera and charger, my purse and the Hudl and charger in his hand luggage.

Anything I have missed ? let me know!!
