How far along? I thought I was 12 weeks gone Friday but at my scan today I measured at 13 weeks and 2 days!
Maternity clothes: Desperately in need of some more maternity clothes now I'm finding it hard to button up mu normal stretchy jeans ! so shopping trip at the weekend yey!!
Stretch marks: nope!
Sleep: Feeling a lot more energetic now thank god!
Best moment this week: Definitely my Scan today! It so hard to describe the feeling when you see your baby for the first time moving around and its little heartbeat going like mad!! It was such a lovely feeling and I couldn't stop smiling!! I will insert a picture of the scan here, and yes my gut instinct was totally wrong its not twins lol just the one baby !
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Miss anything? yeah I'm still really missing runny eggs!!! like dippy eggs and soldiers!
Movement: none
Food cravings: Boiled eggs and soldiers or fried egg
Anything making you queasy or sick? nothing for once lol
Gender: well!...I said at my scan today "oh it will be too early to see the gender won't it?" and she said yeah but then she checked anyway just in case and then she shown me in between the legs and said well i would double check at your 20 week scan but its looking suspiciously like a boy!! and there was definitely something in-between its legs lol but I'm not going to think much of it until the 20 weeks scan !
Labour signs: none obviously
Symptoms: Not many this week! just a little nausea today but think it was nerves lol
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy !
Looking forward to: Bonding with my bump and also my next scan at 20 weeks!
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