Hi Everyone,
I know I have already posted a few like this already but this time is different.....
I have had a total rethink on the way I want to live my life, and what foods I put into my body. I have posted a number of "before" and "after" photos on social media sites and although it looks like I have done really well and I'm happy with my body, this is just not the case. I would loose all the weight then have a few little hiccups and I'd be right back to square one eating a load of crap!
I don't want to be this person any more.......
I want to eat better, be a fitter, healthier and happier mammy to Mason and Wife to Andrew. In my personal opinion the most important out of all of those things is to be "happier" and it goes without saying that doesn't come without the other 3 things ! I understand its going to be a long and steady process, I'm not going to fit into a size 8 overnight! (my 'happy' size), but I am determined to maintain my weight and fitness level once I get there.
First things first I need to sort my eating habits out! All you busy mammy's will know sometimes just sticking a pizza in for dinner is a whole lot easier than standing with a screaming hungry baby trying to make a veggie stir fry from scratch! but what I have started to find out is that you CAN make time to eat better! Mason went through a phase a few weeks ago when he was poorly of not wanting to be put down, I had to carry him everywhere!! but now his cold has lifted he will quite happily sit in his high chair with a slice of cucumber watching his Cbeebies playlist on my Hudl! (thank god for YouTube!)
I have tried to cut out carbs completely for now as I know they are what bloat me out and make me feel sluggish and tired, but its a lot harder than you think when pasta is your favourite food in the world!!! So I have decided to limit myself to just one 'Carb' meal a week for example; Olive, Spinach and Halloumi Pasta this is one of my favourites at the minute !!
Exercise wise, I'm currently going to the gym 4 times a week with my husband because he is on a two week holiday and his work have a gym which he is a member of and family can use it aswell on a pay-as-you-go basis. I jumped right in at the deep end with this, but he helps me massively and keeps me motivated. Now I can hear you saying "so where does Mason go while your sweating it out at the gym?" well I'm very very fortunate that my mam and mother-in-law have Mason for a couple of hours while we are at the gym! Its perfect because I don't feel guilty when I'm there because Mason LOVES to go see his grandparents and they equally LOVE seeing him!
The days I cant get to the gym and once these two weeks are over and I don't have access to the works gym any more, I'm planning on doing home workouts and going to a Pilates class twice a week to keep up with my core strength.
My goal is to be a comfortable size 10 or even better size 8 for my holidays which are the end of September. I would love to have that feeling of confidence as I walk along the beach in my tiny bikini! (or more like chance a baby along the beach with sick all down my front!)
Here's my Last Ever 'BEFORE' pictures.....
I cant wait to share with you all my 'HAPPY' size pictures once I get there!
If anyone is starting the same journey as me and want to connect, please feel free to email me on ainsleigh.searle@gmail.com or you can message me on Facebook !!
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